Could I be pregnant❓‼️❓

Ok so I ovulated late this cycle a week before my expected period so when I got a surge glow moved my period date to start Monday the 23rd instead of last Monday the 16th. So far I have been experiencing these symptoms since 6dpo and am now 11dpo with a negative test yesterday morning. So far my symtoms have been:

• been feeling tired the past week even with full 8 hours of sleep (eyes feel tired also and feel like I could sleep at anytime)

•lately Iv been emotional/moody getting mad easily

•have had a low appetite(take a bite of food and immediately spit it out because I don't like the taste)

•have had a few cravings (last 4 days have had Cesar salads and chocolate milkshakes)

•have some moment of nausea and have also dry heaved twice from being so hungry which has never happened to me before

•Iv been having veryyyy subtle cramps for only 4 different days and they lasted a half hour at the most (I normally have severe cramping starting a week before af due)

•Iv had a light but annoying headache almost everyday for a week now

•been using the bathroom more especially #2 ( I usually go #2 more before my period but I'm going everyday sometimes twice a day now which is a little odd)

•I have random times I get ovulation pains that switch to both sides ( not ovulation because I was testing and already had a surge as said)

•the last week have had a white discharge that's kinda watery?? ( never had before)

•low energy motivation to do anything but I push myself during work (work as a teacher aid at a preschool and childcare center)

•have had bad acne the last week which is normal but it's been 2x worse then it normally is when my period comes.

•Iv been feeling a bubble popping feeling all over my uterus throughout the day for the last week and a half (which I had with my first which was the only sign of pregnancy I had)

I am going to take a test either tomorrow or Tuesday but just thought I could get some insight as I feel like I'm going crazy! I used ovulation tests and got pregnant the first month with them the first time and this was the first month ttc again and we used them. This would be our rainbow baby and we have been trying a little over a year and a half with a loss at 16 weeks earlier in this year. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻✨✨✨

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