I fell out wiv my bestiešŸ˜­šŸ˜­

I fell out wiv my bestie bc she was being a bitch to me and treating me not how a best friend should šŸ‘ÆXx she picks fault wiv me everyday and puts me down just because her mum and dad put her down about the way she looks ... for so long Iā€™ve put up with her saying things like ā€œgod you look fat todayā€ and ā€œhas anyone said about how bad your makeup is ,you should try using a blenderā€ and she just doesnā€™t treat me how I want to be treated . so 2 days ago I snapped back at her and told her ā€œI donā€™t pick fault with you so why should you pick fault with me , because Iā€™m a good friend and I want you to feel good about yourself I donā€™t put you down for the way you look ,I accept your flaws because no-one is perfect like a true friend wouldā€ then I told her Iā€™d see her tommorow and that she needs to grow up and accept my flaws like how I accept hers

We havenā€™t spoken since and I feel like I was in the wrong for snapping back should I try to fix things?? If I do she will carry on whatā€™s she thinks is right now by calling me names and putting me down šŸ˜­ plz help šŸ’”Xxx