Lost baby

Hi everyone. Two weeks ago today I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. I couldn’t be more excited. My heart was complete. A week later I was having abdominal pain so I went to the er to check on the baby, a couple of ultrasounds were done and blood work was taken. Everything was great my hcg was at 3900. 3 days later I woke up bleeding. I went to the er again, ultrasounds pelvic exam and blood work was done. My hcg dropped to 900 and I was told I would most likely have a miscarriage. I can’t even explain the pain I was feeling in my heart. All I want is to add on to my family. This would have been my first baby other than my step son. The next day I lost the baby. I can’t stop crying and thinking about what I could have had. My boyfriend and I want to try again but I am so nervous of the outcome happening again. I don’t think I can go through this pain again. The doctors said my ovaries uterus and blood work is fine so hopefully I will have better luck next time. Can anyone give me advice on trying to conceive again? Thank you in advance. I am one broken hearted momma to be :(