Run away for a courthouse marriage?

Alright so I'm gonna post anonymous because I don't know if my family or my fiance's family knows about my glow (one of them probably does cause every last one of our family members is absolutely crazy and will stalk the hell out of us) anyways. We want to get married before we have our baby, we already have a daughter together and have been together almost 3 years and do not plan on leaving each other anytime soon. My dilemma is, my family hates him, has no respect for him and he's lost all respect for them (I don't blame him either they've pulled a lot of bull shit and then blame it on some made up story about how we betrayed them) So he hasn't asked my dad for my hand in marriage or anything related to that. We've kept it a huge secret that we plan on getting married, and we plan on getting married in the courthouse and having a ceremony at a later date. I can't stand his family because they treat him horribly and have screw the both of us over many times, I've had things stolen from me, I've had them talk shit about me behind my back, I no longer care to really speak to them or go out of my way for them. Anyways. I have a very good feeling that if we do run away and get married at the courthouse and they find out, it'll cause an absolute riot from both sides of the family. And I'm not so sure how to handle all that... I've debated on if we could somehow keep it a secret from family members until we have a ceremony, but I also don't know how we'd pull that off. Has anyone else ever ran away and gotten married without out family approval or them knowing?? Because if so stories and tips would be greatly appreciated 😂