An opinion from all the future/already mommies

Alexis • BWH 💙👶🏻 22JAN19

SOS!! So I am stationed out in Sasebo, Japan so proper baby advise is scarce. Me and my man are TTC and I removed my IUD (Mirena) 26SEP17. Before the removal of my birth control I had very regular period (before and during IUD).

I got it removed and bled for 3-4 after removal. No cramps. No pain just bleeding. I was due form AF that coming week and since the removal and bleeding I have not cycled. I have been doing the ovulation tests and I have two positives back to back a negative and then another positive the day after. Positive on 14-15OCT and 17OCT). My and my Beau have been BD everyday minus our duty days since TTC. My last tracked period was 09SEP17. I have taken HPT's and I have got negative but since my positive ovulation tests. Since I haven't been able to track my period since the lack there of one (first time in my entire life that it isn't regular- I am 26) I am reaching out to get some insight and advice when I should take my next HPT. Thank you all and good luck in conceiving your little babies!!