ADHD help!



Does anyone else have ADHD that stopped taking their meds due to being pregnant? If so, what do you do to help yourself focus throughout the day?

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I was so afraid that when I stopped taking adderall, I would be less social & productive, but pregnancy is the perfect excuse to be tired & out-of-it. I don't know about other women, but I got so tired, I had to quit working at 8 weeks, so I no longer needed adderall anyway. If you get foggy, you can blame that on the pregnancy too. Pregnancy brain will make you forgetful & distracted. I also had to switch to a lower dose of my antidepressant, and my sister made sure I knew that everyone in our family would understand if that made me feel less social, and they would try to help by coming to pick me up to go to family gatherings & stuff. Bottom line: Quitting meds may make your life more difficult, but people will be extra supportive & understanding because you're pregnant, so enjoy it! Don't push yourself too hard or expect too much of yourself.


Leigh • Oct 22, 2017
Woww! I tried working & going to school, but I just couldn't pull it off. I thought Brittany's suggestion to schedule out your day was a good idea, but it sounds like your days are pretty scheduled! I guess just pace yourself, and don't feel like a failure if you get tired.


Michaela • Oct 22, 2017
Thank you so much. I’m currently doing full time school and full time work and without my meds it’s been really hard for me. But thanks for the advice and support 💕


Posted at
I had to stop my adderall and it has been tough but the thing that helps me most is to schedule out my day. If I know what to expect and when I’m going to do things.. I will get them accomplished. However if i leave the day up to chance I’ll likely spend the day on the couch lol


Posted at
My husband has ADHD and we switched to a non pharmaceutical route in order to conceive and then found it was just better then the drugs. Vitamins he takes are B6 and B3, calcium, magnesium, Omega 3 with EPA and DHA, GABA, and probiotics. He Also eats a high protein clean diet nothing white.