Another BFN! 😔


I've never posted before and I hardly ever comment on things. though I look at you alls posts and comments all the time... However I'm struggling to get past my most recent disappointment. My husband and I have been TTC baby #3 for several months now. Baby #1 & #2 were uhohs! (lol) After Baby #2 I got on the Nexplanon and had it for 7.5 years (3 different insertions) with no cycle at all. It took a few months after having the last one removed for AF to resume. We have been TTC ever since. I've been trying my best to not let it consume me but it is so hard. I tried my best to not test until I missed a cycle. However I couldn't help myself! I took an early response test last week and it was a BFN. Took another Friday morning and still nope! I'm so discouraged now. AF is due today but no sign so far. I just knew this month was the month for baby news. To make matters worse, I work at an OB so I'm always surrounded by baby bumps and happy mommies. 😔😔😔 What do you guys do to get past the disappointment of negative tests?