Almost 25 weeks


I’m just exhausted, I have severe symphysis pubic disfunction. I am not getting the sleep I need. I’ve been arguing with my fiancé and my mom. I don’t think anyone is getting the pain im in all day. I feel selfish and like a failure because I cant run around with my 5 year old son. My fiancé and Mom have made it very clear how awful of a job I’m doing. I always hang out with my son during the weekends and as soon as i get home from work and mostly just me and him, we do a lot of fun things, playground, movies, shopping, exploring outdoors, playing cars, ect. Tonight I just couldn’t take anymore I broke down and cried and cried, I am not only exhausted but I am in so much pain. My mother continued to tell me she’s pissed because I am pawing off my son on her and my fiancé. I just need help people, I can’t do this all alone. I’m really fragile tonight. My feelings are hurt a lot especially when I felt like I was doing a pretty good job for being in so much pain. I still make him his breakfast, lunch and dinner, do laundry, give him baths, do the dishes, vacuum. My fiancé usually has the bedtime routine and I do just about everything else. I feel defeated.