Feeling horrible


So I was having pretty bad contractions yesterday I ended up going to L&D; and they basically couldn’t keep me because I’m not dilated enough barely 1cm, but the contractions were consistent and heavy but not enough to keep me I guess. Which kinda sucks because all day today I’ve been in the same boat, horrible contractions, cramping and shooting pain and tailbone pressure that I’ve never had since yesterday? They basically told me to keep monitoring them and if they get worse to call or go in again. Just sucks I wish they would just keep me because our drive to the hospital is an hour away so getting turned away is such a pain 😪 guess I just want my baby boy here already. 39 weeks today.

Gonna go take another 3 mile walk and see if that somewhat helps me dilate. It just hurts so bad to walk now. Sorry ladies I just wanted to bitch and rant a little 😔