Strangest period yet! Any ideas?


Ok. So my period was almost one week late. I do have sex on a mostly regular basis, and we only use withdraw method. So I thought maybe this could be it!

Then things got sort of strange for me.

I spotted 2 days after my missed period. The noting for three days. Then again I had bled a small amount in the morning, but nothing else the entire day. Same thing happened the next morning. Blood whe. Whipped, but nothing after. So this morning I had The same thing, but it's still super light. Super. Light. But red! I got out of the shower before bed tonight and when I inserted my tampon, it was almost as if it went In too deep. I had a sharp stabbing pain that shot through my abdomen immediately then nothing. And now as I'm laying here in bed, I feel mild, annoying, painful cramping from the spot where the pain came from in the middle of my abdomen. Obviously it's not pregnancy at this point, but would anyone know what else this could be? A cyst? Something's clogged? I don't know. I've never had such an odd period and such pain while inserting a tampon.

Much love and thank you for any advice given! 😊