I know this is the wrong room, but I only post/interact here really***update***


So tomorrow is my early resolution conference with my ex. He hasn't seen our son in two years. My son doesn't know him. My son also has speech delays and a bunch of other developmental problems. He has a lot of autistic markers but our develpmental ped is trash, so she said she hasn't ruled out autism.His father was abusive to him. He's trying to go for full custody and I'm worried they will give him unsupervised visitation when we go infront of a judge. I've had so much anxiety because the last time he didn't get what he wanted he tried calling dcs on me and reported abuse from another state. 15 mins later he called saying he wanted to "cancel" the claim. He tried to get our son taken away just to hurt me. dcs told me not to contact him or let my son have contact. He has never supported us financially. I moved us to Tennessee so we could live together with my father, when my son was 9 months. Before he lived at his grandmothers house and just wouldn't get it together. We kicked my son's bio dad out after only six months because he was abusive and wouldn't hold a job. He said if he couldn't be with me he didn't want to be in the same state, even if that meant being away from his son.(I offered to let him crash on the couch until he got his own place). We weren't even together while I was pregnant. He's a convicted violent felon. This man has given me ptsd. He's also tried getting my father fired by making false claims. Oh and to make things worse, his mother and grandmother are suing me for grandparents rights. His mother isn't allowed to see him(my son) because she told his father where we lived. We had a verbal agreement when I moved back to the state we originated from they(his paternal grandparents) could see my son but were not to tell his bio father where we were. And I told his grandmother she can only see him supervised with me there because she gave my boyfriend's address to him.She lied and said they(his bio father) paid the courts to find it. The courts told me that was false. So now that I'm done ranting, here's my question, would you let your children around someone like this unsupervised? Also positive thoughts and vibes are much appreciated. Also also sorry if my thoughts are unorganized. I have add and when under stress I get word diarrhea. So we had the mediation and I didn't agree to anything. He was more worried about seeing me face to face and wanting to settle it out of court. He said this whole thing was silly. He also said he wanted jacob to live with him because his grandmother is special ed teacher and could help him. I informed the mediator that he reeked of animal urine and was underfed every time he came back from her house. She also almost got fired for not doing her job correctly. He didn't even deny that and just said if he was there he would be the first to tell her. He said he has proof he supported Jacob but he doesn't. He also said he hired a pi to get my address which is also a lie. I kinda froze up because of lack of sleep and I'm also scared of him. But we have a hearing with the judge in December.