Extended breastfeeding


So I got randomly curious about the oldest age someone women breastfeed because it’s 4 am and insomnia brings strange thoughts. I found out that there are women still breastfeeding there 10-14 year old children. There was even one woman who said she didn’t think a woman should ever have to stop if she didn’t want too. I’m really curious on other people’s opinions on this. I honestly think it’s weird.. But I’m also pretty open minded. Just wondering if there’s anyone who would BF that long?

UPDATE: for fun let’s take this a step further now, I mentioned previously that there was a woman who made it sound as though she’d breastfeed as long as she could. So for instance I’m 22 when I’m 50 my child will be around 28. Would that still be okay for me to breast feed my child? I mean if you truly think about it that child will never be able to hold down a relationship because at 28 that’s just down right weird.

Update 2 I’m not referring to the people who breastfeed until the child is 3-4 or even 5 years old. I mean the 9-18 year olds still getting breast milk.