My Heart Is Filled

Kimberly • Married. Momma to a babygirl 6/16/18

Good morning ladies. I've been with my (now) husband for 12 years and married for 2 months. We knew as soon as we got married that we wanted to start a family immediately. Our goals were education, career, marriage and then family. I am please to say we did it.

My heart is filled with so much joy. My O was 10/10 and not soon after I felt weird PMS symptoms, ones that I've never felt before or more intensified: Sharp dull pain in my already sore right boob, lingering dull heart burn, headaches, lower abdomen cramps, emotions were crazy and hot flashes. So at 9DPO (10/19) I tested with FMU and saw vvvvvvfl. At 10DPO (10/20, pictured below) the line was darker, I woke up my husband with a custom made onesie that I got from Etsy (a week prior to prepare, just in case. Lol) and he just looked up at me now fully awake with his wided eyes and asked if I was serious. Now ladies I could not wait to make it all cute for him in a nice display that I intended to do because of all the excitement but non the less we had a beautiful moment.

I retested again at 12DPO (10/22) & 13DPO (10/23, pictured below)) and the line is definitely getting darker. AF is NOT due 10/25

Thank you lord as my heart is filled with so much joy, we are ready to start this journey.

Baby dust to all

A few myths that happened to me but could be a coincidence are:

▫️Baby bented over in front of you looking in between their legs.

▫️Dreamt of having a baby