depressed about gaining weight...

Hi guys... I just need to vent because I’m so distraught about how much weight I’ve gained. It’s gotten to the point where it’s so noticeable that my husband started making comments and jokes about it because there’s no ignoring that I’m definitely thickER but now anything he says sends me into a fit and I have to give it my all to keep my cool. 
I’m 5’7 and I started a little heavier than usual, but now I’m up to 184 pounds... that’s 30 pounds of fat I’ve accumulated and I’m only 27 weeks. I get that that’s a lot, but somehow him mentioning it pisses me off and it really really hurts me. I feel trapped in my fat body because I feel like I can’t go out and lose the weight... but I’m also so shocked because I never really killed it at the gym before I maybe worked out 2 or 3 ones a week... that’s slowed down significantly but I basically eat the same (I think?)... I’m ONLY 27 weeks pregnant and he keeps asking me if I weigh more than him now and it’s like, dude I get it I’m chunky now can we cool it on the comments... I know it’s going to get worse and he made a comment today saying (really sweetly) that we should go to the gym regularly and cut back on what we eat but I EAT HEALTHY and in moderation for the most part- it makes me want to take the drastic measures and restrictive eating habits I used to take that were physically and mentally very destructive just to feel like I’m myself again ... I’m so offended and annoyed and I’m sure it’s the hormones talking but I broke down... today hubby said maybe I would just “not gain any more weight & control my weight for the rest of the pregnancy instead of gaining more each month”.... I’m just looking at him baffled but also disappointed in myself I don’t think it’s physically possible to not gain anymore weight especially the last trimester.... 
I recognize that I’ve gained too much weight... I see that I could go to the gym more... but somehow his comments send me into a tailspin and I feel soooooo sad and depressed and defeated because I feel like it’s my fault I’ve gained weight and I’m a failure because I’m going to gain more... 
Is it possible/ advisable to not gain any more weight the rest of the whole pregnancy? Will working out really fix some of the damage I’ve done or is it too far gone? How do I get him to realize he’s hurting me more than helping me? I broke down and cried and he said I must be hormonal but it’s just my biggest insecurity and now I feel like a big, giant, chubby failure... I have an appointment next week and I know I’m getting weighed again and the cycle will continue it’s just so stressful. 
Rant over. Thank you to anyone who reads this crazy post and might relate...