The day I went into labor, I woke up with a lot more pelvic pressure


The day I went into labor, I woke up with a lot more pelvic pressure. For some reason, that day, all I wanted were carbs and fatty foods. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and diet controlled so I was normally careful about my carb intake, but that particular day I just didnt care and went a little harder on the carbs than I normally would (come to find out that this is my body gearing up for labor—no clue that this was an early sign of labor 🙄).

The day was pretty difficult to navigate around due to the pressure in my groin/pelvic area so I took a long nap and woke up midday and bounced on a labor ball for 20 minutes before dinner. I had been bouncing on this labor ball every night for 5-20 minutes beginning week 34 for back pain relief. This time, my back did not find relief and I was having a lot more Braxton hicks while on the ball. After dinner, my husband and I walked a little under a mile around the neighborhood park before I finally gave up and gave in to the pelvic pressure. I went home, took a long warm bath and went to bed. (I can’t believe I ignored all of the signs I had been reading and researching about. I was 37+1 weeks and was in denial 😂).

At exactly 2am, I woke up to a really wet underwear.  At first, I was shaking my head in utter embarrassment because this would have been the millionth time I peed myself 😂 but as soon as I made to the bathroom, I looked down and saw blood tinged mucous.  I felt some water trickle down my leg and it hit me like a brick wall...this is what everyone was taking about! My mucous plug is gone, water had broken, this is a bloody show! 

After connecting the dots,  I immediately started having contractions that I knew were different. It was pain like I've never felt. I timed them for 30 minutes and they were 3 minutes apart lasting 45s to 1 minutes each. I knew I was in labor and progressing. I called my OB and she  told me to come to triage expecting to be admitted. I was surprisingly calm and really excited that this moment had finally come.

I was at the hospital by 3am. At that time, my contractions were pretty intense. I couldn't talk through them, just took a lot of deep breaths. The pain is so odd. You're in a limbo between wanting to scream or clench your jaw shut; you want to run from it but only if you could do it while curled up in a's just nothing you could have imagined.

The triage nurse checked me and I was 3cm and 90% effaced. Which was progress from my 36 week appointment 6 days prior. I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. They tested to see if my water had truly broken and the Ph strips tested positive so they admitted me and got me hooked up. 

By the time I got my IV and completed some paperwork, it was 5am and they checked my cervix, I was 5cm dilated 100% effaced 0 station. The contractions were so strong and so frequent, I told her I was ready for the epidural. CRNA came in within minutes and it was a smooth stick. Within 45 minutes, I couldn't feel my legs, but I could still feel the contractions deep in my lower belly. They had to change my dose and within 20 minutes, I couldn't feel anything....not even pressure. 

8am the nurse came in and placed my foley and checked my cervix. I had progressed to 8cm and 1 station. The doctor came in and prepped me for what was to come. She was so amazing at explaining things and just being so personal and gentle.

By 10:45am I started pushing, which was so difficult because I couldn't feel anything...not even the pressure that people talk they gave me a mirror and I saw what it meant to push. When I saw her crowning, this overwhelming feeling to meet her just took over and I pushed for just 20 minutes. As she made her approach, The doctor told my husband to get ready to catch her and baby girl just held her hands in the air, halfway coming into the world, and he caught her! My husband helped deliver our sweet girl into this world. I don't think a special moment like that could ever be recreated for us. October 14, 2017 at 11:18 that sweet girl was on my chest and I'll never be the same. Ever.