Morgan β€’ β€’Single mom to two amazing little girls πŸ’žπŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§β€’

Well now that my baby girl is 2 months old I guess it's a good time to write out my crazy birth story! πŸ˜‚ I'm gonna keep it short though...it gets crazy though!!! πŸ˜‚

So the day before she was born I had my OB appointment. I was 80% effaced and 3cm. he was worried about my blood pressure and told me to come into L&D; right away if I have any preeclampsia symptoms so they could induce me. And of course at 4 in the morning I woke up with a dull headache. So I walked up and down the street to see if I could get it to go away, but it gradually got worse so I figured rather safe than sorry. I woke my husband up and told him I was gonna go to L&D; to get checked out and call him if anything was going to happen. I seriously thought they were just going to send me home like always haha! But not this time!!

It's about 8am at this point and when I walk in they give me a room and my nurse called Dr.B (my OB) to see what he wanted to do. I hadn't even been fully hooked up when she came back and said he wanted to induce me! 😱 was honestly not expecting that since it was such a little headache but I was excited!! So I called my husband and no answer... ok so I try again.. and again. His phone is on SILENT πŸ™„πŸ˜¬ so I'm freaking out haha and call my grandma to go and get him. But she was taking forever and I was stressing thinking for sure he's gonna miss it πŸ˜‚ They get me into a labor room and give me a gown to change in. I had only been there for like 10min in total but while I was changing I heard my OB walk in and ask "soo..where is she?!" He was so ready to break my water it was funny. He had practically ran down to L&D; after the call from the nurse 🀣 He checks me and I'm 100% effaced and 4cm! He was shocked! He said "you've been walking around with her like that?? I'm amazed!" Couple minutes later he came in and broke my water and started pitocin. My family finally showed up and that helped me calm down and it started to feel real. I kept thinking about how much my life was about to change within the next couple hours and I was so ready to meet my girl!! So about an hour later I'm at 4.5cm and they offer me an epidural. The contractions were getting kinda crazy so I got it. Then about two hours later, 6cm...but then her heart beat started dropping after each contraction and they were getting worried. They were about to send me to c-section when my nurse checked me again and I was fully dilated! 😡😳 I had gone from a 6 to a 10 in 45min!! M nurse told me that's what was probably stressing my baby was how fas I was moving along. So we start pushing and that was not fun holy cow. But 30min in and she's ready to come out! She leaves to go get my OB but when she comes back in.. I could tell something was wrong. She said "so.. he's actually delivering another baby right now so we need you to wait" I said "...wait?!" "Yeah, your baby is like two pushes from coming out so I need you to stop pushing until Dr.B can come and assist" I was so nervous. I was soooo ready to be done.. and in a ton of pain. So I had to sit there for 40min and not push 😰 that honestly was so horrible and painful because all of that pressure from each contraction and I couldn't do anything! When he finally came into my room I broke down I was so happy to finally be able to push! 😩 and with in three pushes, she was born!!

My little Zoey ❀️ born 8/24 7lb 7oz! She's now two months old and is the sweetest thing ever!! I'm so grateful for my rainbow and everything we went through to get her here was 110% worth it. Here's some spam because she's adorable πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚β€οΈ