Years of ttc (endo,cysts,fibroids) now pregnant. Success story🌟

Nicole🐍 • Pregnant with #1. Have endo & cysts. Baby dust to everyone✌?️✨✨✨

I think it's important for me to write this post because when I was on here during my time of ttc I always looked for positive stories, what worked for others, symptoms of early pregnancy, etc...

I really do hope this helps someone out there. I would like to give back to the Glow community since you all were always there for me along my journey. *Warning post may get long* 🤗

Okay, so first my story... husband and I were actively trying for 3 years. In truth, the 9 years I've been with him we were truly trying all along, but I'd say technically really trying hard and putting all our efforts in for past 3 years. My husband has hashimotos hypothyroidism and I suffer from severe endometriosis, ovarian cysts, scar tissue, and fibroids. We tried many many things, preseed, fertility teas, natural pills, cleaned up diet, went through laporscopic surgery, etc etc only thing I didn't touch were fertility drugs, just a personal choice. It was hard obviously because nothing was working and then to top it off the people around me were not helping... parents and friends kept asking over and over when it was going to happen and my gyno at the time, because he knew of my conditions, would hand me a paper with a fertility specialist recommendation EVERY damn time I saw him. I never ever asked him for this either which was sort of sad. This only made me feel worse about my situation. So in the end what ended up working for me was a combination of acupuncture and a natural supplement called utrophin.

First let me talk about acupuncture. This helped me in the past get rid of my endo pain 100% along with many other wonderful things so I figured since it helped me all those ways (which no other dr was able to do) why not see if it could help me with my fertility. I beat myself up for not thinking of this sooner 🙄. So I found a Chinese acupuncturist that specialized in fertility. She studied in china for many years and was known for her miracle fertility treatments. Went to her once a week, got the acupuncture done. She also gave me a bitter tea to drink for 5 days one week after my period. Her magic worked because I fell pregnant a month and half later. So I did in total 4 acupuncture sessions (4 weeks worth- once a week) and drank fertility tea one of the weeks.

Lastly, the other thing I did was take the supplement utrophin. This is what helped my mom prevent an unavoidable miscarriage. I had also read that it was great for people trying to conceive. I took this supplement every day alongside my acupuncture treatments. I truly believe the utrophin helped me conceive too.

So a month and a half doing this that's what it took. I found my magic combo. When I try again I will be doing the same exact thing. I highly recommend those out there to look into both acupuncture and utrophin.

Now onto my early pregnancy symptoms, because I know some will be interested to know. I actually had the none of my period symptoms. My breasts usually get sore before period, I also bloat a little and get slight cramps. I felt none of these usual things and that is what threw me for a loop that month. I also kept getting random dizzy spells. I'd be sitting then all of a sudden the room would spin and I'd have to hold onto the table. Would only last like a second or two but that was my main go and test symptom. I tested positive the day my period was due. I did not bother to test before it because I actually thought I didn't ovulate that month and there was no chance 😂 well, I guess I did ovulate...

So I hope maybe this helps someone out there or just brings a little hope. Wish you all well and lots and lots of baby dust to all those out there ttc! Remember, you can and WILL do it!🌟✨