Who would be “at fault”?

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼


In the UK you are allowed to be in bars and clubs from the age of 18 as these are our drinking laws.

HYPOTHETICAL; a male or female aged 16 or under attends a nightclub and is allowed entry (either their ID was not checked, or the club allowed them in regardless), the male or female meets someone 20+ and decides to go back to their hotel room, they have sexual intercourse.

NOTE: I say “at fault”, due to the repercussions this can have on the over 20 year old.

✨✨✨The legal age of consent is 16✨✨✨

Who is at fault? The club, for allowing an under 18 into the club? The 20+ for not checking the age? The under 16 for lying?

This was sparked by a “reality tv star” who invited a 16 year old back to his hotel but apparently nothing happened.


My personal opinion is that:

✏️the club/bar should be checking every ID to ensure that there is no under 18’s as the girl said, the male assumed she was over 18 due to just being in the club

✏️the over 20+ should ask for details into the age to assure this does not happen

✏️the 16 and under should be honest about age with any potential sexual partner as the over 20 could face some serious allegations

👍🏼Let me know what you think!👍🏼

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