What should I do

Hey guys , so I’ve been in relationship for going on for 4 years now ( in December) with the love of my life. Our whole relationship we have been through nothing but ups and downs. But lately it’s way worse . He has so much hate in his mind .so much jealousy . I won’t say too much but one story short he literally made me move in with him because of a friend I was talking to(I’m only 17). He never lets me go anywhere. Never lets me go out or do anything he doesn’t even want me to work at certain places, I could only work at places that have or female employees. Day by day whenever he gets mad he calls me all kinds of names. He keeps thinking that I’m going to cheat on him and I never have. He punches me in the face whenever we get in an argument or whenever I don’t want to have sex with him or whenever I want to go to sleep at night and he wants me to stay up. He can say some really harsh things man. But still I love him so much and I can’t see myself with anybody else. And he’s going through a lot right now and I don’t want to break up with him because he’ll be alone and no one deserves to be alone. I literally gave up my life for him. My family, my friends, school, work, my scholarships, everything. I said yes it’s moving in because I thought it would be easier for us to have a baby if we live together. I thought it would make our chance of conceiving way easier but here we are three months after trying to conceive and nothing. I keep asking God please please make me pregnant so I would at least have a reason for all of this . he has he has been with other women . He was going to have a baby with another girl until she miscarriage (we were still together) and didn’t tell me until recently. I’m starting to get very miserable I miss my friends I miss my life I miss my dad I miss my dog but Lord knows I would rather have him instead❤️ so yup that’s currently my life .