pp period


SO WHATS THE DEAL. I had my baby girl September 2nd

I'm only 7 1/2 weeks Pp and my period is back??? I bled pp for 5 weeks then had normal lochia and now I'm back to bleeding? what I had gathered from all that I've read (I'm bf and pumping) is that my period wouldn't be back for a while. so WTF AF.

also <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> says women using breastfeeding as birth control is semi effective only 1 in 100 get preggo I'm wondering since my period is back does that necessarily mean I'm ovulating?.. I've been having sex with my husband regularly since 5 weeks pp, and I've been taking ovulation tests randomly juuuust to make sure I'm not since we haven't been using any other form of protection.

also I will say I have none of my normal period symptoms..

what are your experiences with your first pp period?