

this year i gave birth to my last baby at parkland in dallas. i had a c section and had my tubes tied so i was in all sorts of pain from getting my tubes tied. while i was recuperating from the operation they did keep my son at tye nursery so i could get a bit of rest but that didnt happen since i had nurses checking on me every hour and a half. see, i am anemic and while i was getting my tubes tied i did lose a lot of blood i was pre hypothermia. i did have to get two units of blood (thank you to those who donate. blood donations have saved my life twice) so recovery took longer for me. when i was finally put in a regular room my son was brought to me to stay with me at all times. despite being tired and in pain, i was okay with taking care of him. what i did notice is not only did they not bring me formula but no pacifier either. i did breastfeed my son every 1.5 hours as i was told despite not being able to sleep at all. day two comes along and my nipples are sore but i still breastfeed as told. by this time my son feeds for like an hour but is still so fussy afterwards and doesnt want to latch on anymore. my mother instincts kicked in and i knew he wanted a pacifier... just to have something to chew on. i noticed it after he would suck on my finger but did not want my boob. i started asking the nurses for a pacifier and they refused to give me one telling me to just feed him. he was hungry. i would tell them he wasnt but they ignored me. that night i did not sleep at all. i was so exhausted. finally a doctor came in and i asked her for a pacifier and she brought me one along with some formula. she could see i was exhausted. well a couple of hours later i am feeding my son some formula and a nurse comes in, she notices it and the pacifier. she asked me where i got it from and i tell her. she makes this face and makes a comment about the formula and pacifier. made me feel like ish for it. well a couple of hours later i asked for some pain medication and they were taking forever to bring it. i was now in extreme pain, very sore nipples and running on no sleep. nurse comes in to give me medication and forces me to breastfeed despite all my complaints. i was literally crying to please just let me give him formula. they didnt let me. a couple of hours later the lactose lady comes in and i explain to her what is going on... she helps me breastfeed my son but after an hour he is still fussy and doesnt wanna eat anymore. she keeps trying to force him and after three hours later she realizes i was right. my son just wanted a pacifier to chew on. overall, with each hospital visit i felt more and more pressured to breastfeed. this was just the icing on the cake. has anyone else had this bad of an experience?