+FfN = going into labor soon?!

Oly • SAHM who loves movies, nerdy games, music and cooking

I started bleeding a lot but could feel the baby kicking so I went to the OB who wouldn't look at me she sent me to L&D; immediately.

They hooked me up did some tests and found nothing. But the baby was acting completely fine the 4 hours we were there.

She said I was a fingertip dilated and then before we left let me know my FfN came back positive, which means I could have the baby in 2 weeks... WHAT?! LADY IM 29 WEEKS PREGNANT!

"It COULD mean," she said. "Most likely you won't but you need to be checked by your OB in a week just to make sure,"

So I'm nervous, if I could just make it to December that would be perfect. I just want a healthy happy baby 💙 wish us luck!