sent straight to the hospital to be induced

My baby girl had failed multiple nsts due to heart decelerations and decreased movement since 37 weeks. Went in to my doctors on the 24th and after he looked at my nst from the day before he sent me straight to L&D to be induced. He warned me I had a 40% of ending in emergency csection since pitocin can cause heart decelerations which she already had. I started pitocin at 12:30pm and labored til 9pm when dr decided to give me a break to eat and sleep since I only progressed from a 1 to a 2. At 3am they started pitocin again and I was really feeling it this time. I had back labor to the point I was throwing up from the pain and went from a 3cm to 4cm in two contractions and a 3cm to 5cm in a half hour. I give in and get the epidural and it was heaven, I had to ask if I was even having contractions still. At 5pm I told my nurse I had to push so she checked me and babies head was right there. At 5:14pm on October 25th when I finally pushed her out I had the biggest scare of my life. She had the cord wrapped around her neck and wasn't crying, she was blue. The nurses immediately stimulated her and she began to cry, I never felt so relieved in my life. The dr had suspected the cord was around her neck and that's why I finally got induced. I'm absolutely inlove with my angel 💕 Kaitlyn.