Born at 42 1/2 weeks 😫

I have been in the bliss of motherhood that I forgot to write my birth story. So it's gonna be a long one, sorry ladies. My whole pregnancy was pretty great, I didn't have any major problems and was going to have a natural birth at a birth center. my girl was due July 4th. Well July 4th came and gone and I was still pregnant. I went to the birth center and had my first exam at 41 weeks and sadly I wasn't progressing at all. Not effaced, not dialated and super posterior. So we had scheduled a bpp ultrasound. my midwife gave me a bunch of herbs to try and get labor going so I started them as well. Bpp came back great so we waited some more. 42 weeks came and I'm so was frustrated cause I have to now have a birth at the hospital and be induced since I'm not progressing still. so we left the birth center and headed for the hospital. it was Monday and I didn't have my daughter till Thursday. we started with cervidil took that out only 1/2 cm. so then I got the ball on and started cytotec. it started something cause I was having contractions! 4 hours later we had the balloon out and broke my water and started pitocin. Well hours later I get checked and nothing. I'm still super posterior and only dialated to a 4 cause of the ballon. so I kept on laboring and my contractions were 2-3 min apart. Well it was Wednesday and I've been laboring without an epidural for days. my contractions were 2 min part but I still didn't progress, at a damn 4. so I was getting an epidural cause we were looking at a c section. Well got it and it was great I got to have 2 hours of no contractions until my epidural fails on my left side. so I got another one and 2 hours later failed again. they came In checked me and I wanted to punch her in the face when she said 4 cm not progressing. so off to or for a c was Thursday. Well I could feel everything since epidural didn't work again and I was put under. I was so mad my husband couldn't be in the room cause I was asleep and I was freaking out. I wake up hours later and got to meet my babe the most beautiful girl I the world. I only remember bits and pieces after the delivery. I had some ppd, I didn't get to watch my husband meet our daughter or anything that I wanted to have. I felt like such a failure, it was so opposite of what I wanted. I know it really doesn't matter but it kinda does, especially when you don't remember anything. when I look back now I know I tried everything including a bunch of meds to get me into labor and nothing worked. so I did my best and that's what matters. sometimes mommas a c section is the only answer. Delilah was born July 20th at 3:09 am, weighing 9 pounds and 2 oz and 21 inches long. we are doing great! oh and we were trying so I know my ovulation date and I was really at 42 1/2 weeks.