Three weeks=three days, induction to emergency c section

Katelin • Marley's mama- 10/26/17 🎀 Engaged 10.06.17 💍

Throughout my pregnancy, I had been monitored for preeclampsia due to rapid weight gain (I went from 115 pre-pregnancy to 175), protein in my urine, and high blood pressure. I had noticed some swelling in my legs during my 37th week of pregnancy, which was rare for me so I went to get my blood pressure checked at the grocery store. When I went in, my blood pressure was 153/101. I was very concerned and decided to call my OB, and he said that if I had a headache to be wary, but to just come in early the next morning to get checked out. I woke up that night from sleep at 2 in the morning with a very bad headache (which was uncommon for me as I'd never gotten a headache during pregnancy prior to that night) and I decided to wait it out and see if I could hold off for an hour and notice if it went away. It kept getting worse, so I decided to go into the ER. At the ER, they monitored me for a couple of hours and then sent me home with a notice to keep my scheduled appointment with my OBGYN which was at 10:20 the next morning. I went in to the appointment with my significant other, and the OBGYN told us that since he had concerns for preeclampsia I would be induced three days from then. So the due date went from three weeks from then, to three days 😂 So three days from then (yesterday), we head to the hospital and get there at 9 in the morning to be induced. When we get there, we were told that I was supposed to say I was having contractions, so that's what we tell them and finally get in the door after a lot of paperwork. We get to a room, where the nurse asks us a ton of questions, and we try to answer them the best we can with working with the story of me having contractions 😂 So she leaves, my OBGYN walks in, they talk for a moment and she comes back out and goes 'Oh you're being induced today!' like oh we didn't even have to lie?! 😑 But he instantly breaks my waters and starts me on pitocin (I was dialated to a 1 when we got there) and labor is going, contractions keep getting worse and worse with each upped dose of pitocin, and twelve hours later he tells me I'm dialated to a 3 😭 And then he tells me that since I'm only dilated to a 3, and there's no way that she's going to be able to make it through my pelvic bones, they have to do an emergency c section, we're going to head back there in five minutes, in 30 minutes it'll be completely done and to tell the extended family 😨 At this point I'm freaking out because this is the last thing I wanted, but it's happening. Now. 😭 I'm shaking and terrified, we go back there and I'm asking them for anything they can give me through the IV for anxiety. I was shaking uncontrollably and I just wanted it to be over. I felt pretty much everything, not pain per se, but a TON of pressure and tearing. It took about ten minutes, and she was here! I felt like I was in shock. I instantly fell in love with her, and although we had to go through twelve hours of labor and an emergency c section to end it all, I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world. ♡ Marley Carter Smith was born at 9:11 PM on October 26th 2017 💘