just a late period? UPDATE

BreAnne • Due August 22nd. Elijah Michael 💙👶

Today I am due for AF to show up. Whenever I was on birth control, I would start today like clock work. It's been 3 and a half weeks since I took my last bc pill. I am not sure if AF has not come yet because she is messed up from me not taking the pill, or if it's possible that, you know! 😁 😊guess we will see! I'm trying not to get my hopes because I know AF tends to bring disappointments. ***UPDATE*** AF still has not came. 😁 I am trying not to get excited. Could my period just be late? ***2nd UPDATE*** today, I am 5 days late. Could my pill really make my period this late? I feel as though I should've started by now, and it's this late for another reason 😊