my mom only thinks about babies and NOT MY FUTURE

So im 23 still live with parents unfortunately , i wanted to get out this house after high schoool but i was broke . i go to college trying to be a RN. i work part time i have a boyfriend of 3 years.

my mom has been telling me and giving hints about me having a baby already just because her friends are turning grandmas she wants to be one too. ugh i’m not ready at all nor will i EVERR in a million years have a kid here at my parents house ! hell to the NOOOOOO! Plus i want to finish college first and move in with my boyfriend soon so i cant have babies . She’s just so damn annoying like today her friend is a new grandma and she told me “Everyone is getting pregnant but you, you are the only one that doesn’t have kids .” Like wtf???? i am NOT THe only one !! there’s plenty of girls i know that don’t have kids yet , she’s so fuckig annoying like the way she told me was sooo demandful. like she basically said like if you don’t get pregnant now , you’ll be grounded” that’s what i felt Z

i feel kinda depressed and annoyed by her , i just want to move with my boyfriend far away from her as possible so i don’t have to see her again!!!