excited or not excited


this is my fourth pregnancy but will be our 6th child. I have 2 stepsons, my 2 girls, and 1 girl from my current marriage. we are a blended family. It's been a tough 3 years with a very high conflict ex wife. we are still battling to this day. I found out last week I'm 3 weeks pregnant. I'm excited but I'm worried. 6 KIDS. I must be insane, right?! but I really wanted to try for a boy of my own. my girls all love their dad's. my boys love me, but they have their mom, she will always be first and obviously I'm ok with that. I just wish she was she treated me like an actual person. I have told some of my good friends about my pregnancy but we are waiting to tell the parentals around thanksgiving. we haven't told the kids yet. I'm just really worried about finding out the sex and it being another girl. I do not want another girl. I feel like I'm bringing my husband down bc I'm voicing how much I will hate having another girl. my baby girl isn't sleeping through the night yet and I feel like a zombie. which in return is making me miserable. I'm doubting this is the right thing to do right now. but I also will not terminate my pregnancy. does anyone else have fears or doubts? I'm really hoping I will start getting over this dark cloud soon.