Acupuncture/ChineseHerbs success?


Hello all,

I am 27 going on month 16 (assuming since I started spotting this morning 🙄) TTC #1. I was diagnosed with endometriosis a few years ago when I was getting a laparoscopic procedure to remove a fibroid tumor from my uterus. We tried up to a year naturally and then 4 months ago I began getting Acupuncture.

The acupuncture has been a MIRACLE for my endo. My periods have been lighter and shorter and I have almost no pain before during and after my period. This is a dream considering I’ve spent a lifetime of periods with my head in the toilet throwing up, curled up in a ball, screaming bloody murder, etc from pain. I am SO thankful that it seems to be helping my endo but a little disappointed it hasn’t helped me conceive. It’s only been 4 months but as most of you know 4 months feels like an eternity when you’ve been trying a while. She has started me on some herbs (cinnamon and piora) in hopes of further aiding me in conceiving naturally.

Has anyone been successful in conceiving with acupuncture? How long did t take? Did you take any herbs and if so what did you take?

I posted another post about possibly seeing a fertility doctor and Input on that treatment as well. I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of each at this point to aid in a decision.

Thanks so much for any input!