Pregnant or Depressed?

Devil`s Advocate

So the last couple of days have been a whirlwind. I have never experienced PMS symptoms since I've began my period so it is easy to eliminate that. Day 1 started with me yelling at my dad and 17 year old. I said some things I already regret and I cried off and on the entire day and waves of nausea. Day #2 I went from being extremely energized to extremely tired and hungry. Day #3 I was sluggish, hungry, and sick. Day #4 extremely sick and hungry. Day #5 still sick but not as bad, tired, and hungry. FYI I used to live of 1 meal a day. So being hungry is odd for me. To add to this each has been met with past regrets and worry about the future. Pregnacy symptoms or depression? AF is due 11/1