My baby boy arrived!!!!!


Well, my little boy finally decided to grace us with his presence. Weds morning I went to the drs and they checked me. I was 2 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The dr told me any day now. Well, I didn’t think it would be within 24 hours. 1130pm that night I started to get some contractions, not consistent so I could sleep on and off till about 1230am. Around then is when they started to get more intense and closer together. I couldn’t get comfortable or even relax and sleep anymore. I decided to keep track of the contractions since I had already gone to the hospital Sunday bc I was having contractions every 2 minutes but went home bc I wasn’t progressing. The contractions this time where about 1-2 minutes apart and lasting between 30 and 60 seconds. I decided to wake up my daughter and my parents at around 3am bc I was starting to have to sway and breathe through the contractions. Called the dr at 315am he told me to come in, the hospital is a 30 minute drive. We arrived at 415am. They check me and I’m already 9 cm dilated 100% effaced and +1!!! I wanted pain meds or an epidural. Well, too late for any of that. They got me into a room, my water hadn’t broken yet. My dr kept asking if I wanted to break my water to slow things down. But my mom knew it would speed things up. By the time my dr got set up and broke my water I was ready to push. The next contraction I pushed my Tristan out. He was out in 1 minute with one push!!! I never thought I would be able to do an all natural birth. It was amazing!! Being able to feel him emerge out into the world and see his head when he was crowning!! The pain was so worth it and not as bad as I thought. It’s amazing how your body just knows what to do!!! So here is my little man, Tristan Joseph, at 7 pounds and 19 1/2 inches born October 26 at 454am!!!