Feeling Trapped....


I need help ladies.... I am in a three person relationship. (please no judgement here...) Things have been going alright for the most part but I've been having some issues with the other girl. There's a lot of jealousy because our man shows more favor towards me than her. Lately she's been talking to me and treating me like shit and he doesn't seem to notice. we have all been together for a while now and my little girl calls him "daddy." his two boys are very attached to me and I to them. (my daughter is a year old, his boys are five and ten) Problem is, the other girl has been with him for a lot longer and she has this idea that she's their mom, (she isnt) and she doesn't want me to have any relationship with them. now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. him and I are so in love, her and I are constantly at odds because I'm convinced she secretly hates me, and I don't want to leave because all three of the children would be heart broken.... at the same time, I feel suffocated, trapped, and sometimes ignored..... don't know what to do.....