feeling down

so ladies I'm feeling down... so this is our 2 month trying and last night me and hubby did the hippidee dippidee twice (my husband has a very hard time with sex and cumming) so last night was surprise to us....and we also used pre seed and I put my legs and butt up on the wall for 30 mins. (crazy I know) so my co worker asked how it was going and told her and then she tells me you need to have sex every day 6 or more times a day and it won't happen, right away... when she said that my heart broke my husband feels awful so as it is (he's getting help though) we just can't do it everyday we only have sex 1 or 2 a month and he has a hard time just with that...so it makes me feel like I wanna give up because I feel awful for my husband....so maybe this month will be our month...Baby Dust To YOU ALL