CSection Anxiety

So I’m due with my 2nd baby on the 21st and had an emergency c section with my first born. Everything progressed normally and I didn’t even consider the thought of a c section....until I was pushing for 8 hours with no success. Baby’s heart rate kept dropping so it was time to go in for surgery.

I had a tough recovery, especially in an emotional aspect...I felt like my body “failed” and I know now that’s ridiculous because giving birth is giving birth no matter how you go about it..so we decided with this one to schedule another csection....but I have days where I wonder “what if I go into spontaneous labor? Do I even attempt a vbac?” I get major anxiety thinking about it because I’m so afraid of the same thing happening again where I try and it doesn’t work...and now that’s twice I have to deal with the emotional “disappointment” that I couldn’t deliver vaginally. I never realized what a tough decision this was :(