After 3 yearsTTC, announcement wait is killing me!


last month i was 4 days late, i thought 4sure it had happened... but AF showed up and broke my heart.... i had gave up no tracking, no pressed, no geritol, no pregprep, no premama, no opk, no pressure to make love every OTHER day... then on the the 26th at 1am woke up from super bad cramps, went to put a panty line because i knew 4 sure AF was coming hard a whole week early... seen i had one more test left.... figured I'd chalk it up to a negative.... after a minute

blew my mind... next morning figured i wonder & curiosity got the best of me

and even tho we had....

the light line concerned babe & he wanted to go to the DOCTOR

blew my mind again.... the doctors concerned about the light line also, ordered blood work.... as we wait till this coming Friday for our lab results&next; doctor appt. of course i did another test

my line is OFFICIALLY darker!!!! i still and cry as i literary pray to God... but i don't pray asking to get pregnant -i pray to give thanks for bringing my heart joy i am getting older (34yrs old) and had given up my one and only child is 12yrs old, talk about an age difference.... now i have to keep this huge secret

But i can share with you ladies... i could never understand why 2/3/17 we miscarried... but god let me know we would bare a child just not that moment after we miscarried i had surgery to remove my gallbladder (worst pain ever) then had a UTI... bad one was on antibiotics, then was on antibiotics almost 2 wks 4 a nasty tooth infection, then this nasty tooth had to get pulled after alllll this drama ... it makes sense because not even fully healed from my tooth extraction I'm here to say I'm FINALLY pregnant & was blessed tho learn about it so early... i would have endured so much physical pain while i was pregnant... but God knew what i would go thru and delivered me from that sparing me or our baby from any of those issues during pregnancy ... tho we don't always understand our faith gets us thru it!! good luck ladies it's hard to not lose faith and become discourage but my only advice is to genuinely give it to God!! & it's ok to look into having light or vvvfl on cheap pregnancy test... that's were they all start from😘🤞