Hubby and I been trying for almost two years

Julie Ann • I`m 34 and hubby and I are been trying to conceive for almost 2 years and counting 😣
Hubby and I been trying for almost two years.  Back in January I had my Dr. Check my hormones to see why I'm not getting pregnant and on the result of my blood work my prolactin was elevated and I guess that was the reason why I'm not ovulating..when they did an MRI they saw that I have a benign tumor on my pituitary gland and the tumor is making my prolactin level high.  People with high prolactin are either pregnant or lactating.. They started me on medication right away and it has been almost 3 cycle and today is one of the happiest moment of my life 😊.. Don't lose hope! Baby dust to everyone who's been trying😊🙏🏼