How to get baby to sleep later?


Okay so my son is 5 months old. He has always been an amazing sleeper. He’s been sleeping through the night since 3 weeks old. By 3 months old he was going to bed by 930pm and on weekdays I’d have to wake him at 530 am to get ready for work and take him to Daycare and on weekends he would sleep anywhere between 6 and 7 am. Just two weeks ago now we started implementing a new bedtime because he was taking a nap from 730pm-9pm and then would wake,eat a bottle, and go to bed. So instead of the nap I decided to just feed him sooner and put him to bed by about 8 pm. He’s now waking up on his own around 5 am and won’t sleep any later. Is there anything else we can do to help him sleep later in the mornings now? He’s still tired when he wakes. He still looks exhausted and he will still rub his eyes.