Anal horror

So this guy I and recently started hooking up. first time was a blast then the second time, I was on my period but we'd been trying to meet up for weeks! so soft cup and anal were going to be our best friends this night, haha. all was well until we started the anal. he was going to town and then he stops. He goes to the bathroom and starts cleaning himself. I'm thinking he is ready to fuck me so he is being sanitary as he should. I head in after him to pee real quick and y'all, there was shit. Like the runs. It wasn't a lot but enough on my ass to know it had got on him. we moved on to other stuff and he never said a word but I was secretly mortified. I'd done anal many times and this has never happened! please make me feel better and tell me this isn't uncommon to happen and all was fine after. I've never felt so un sexy. I can barely get my groove back when texting him 😭😭😭