He doesn’t want us to get pregnant


Quick background..

boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. I’m 23 he is 32.. (yes what a age gap) Last year we decided to try have a baby.. and we had 2 miscarriages.. first pregnancy my dad got super P.o and after my miscarriage I got kicked out... after second miscarriage we decided to stop trying..

Now we decided to try again.. I purchased some ovulating tests.. I tested one and said I’m close to ovulating.. I told him.. and he says great let’s try these next 2 days.. well 1st day he was just tired and bloated so we didn’t have sex.. I understand.. then today (2nd day) I told him we have to have sex.. he says sure.. then plans a bbq w the guys.. and when he drinks.. he can’t perform.. so I got upset and asked him what’s going on? I thought we were going to try.. and he started going off.. saying we should wait till marriage cause of my dad.. that I should get checked with the doctor since my period is all wack.. (his words) and I’m there at work like in tears.. cause yesterday he seemed onboard but today he tells me that he doesn’t want to try to have a baby till we are married? and I get it.. but he doesn’t want to get married anytime soon.. plus I hated how he made it seem my wack period was a problem.. it’s not.. it’s couple days off but it’s there every month.. idk

Sorry just ranting 😔