He’s getting deployed & I’ll never see him again

So I met this guy like a month ago. (I know it doesn’t sound like much but we actually got really close) When we first started talking we decided we just wanted a fling since I leave to bootcamp soon and he’s leaving to deployment over seas. So it was just talking at first for a few weeks. But constant talking. And then this past week I finally got to see him and I practically stayed the week at his place and we made love and talked about things we’ve never told anyone. It was as if we’d been together for years. He even introduced me to his son who’s still a baby. I didn’t expect to fall in love with him so quickly.. but sadly he just left on deployment and by the time we gets back I’ll be in bootcamp and when I come back he’ll be gone overseas again. I’m crying so much because I’ve honestly never connected with a guy like this. He really had something in him that made me think maybe he could be the one.. but now I’m never going to be able to see him again or have a relationship/future with him.. my heart hurts so much after I promised myself I wouldn’t get into anything serious or fall for anymore right before I leave to bootcamp.. I’m sorry I just needed to vent.. he’s on my mind constantly and I honestly can’t bear the thought of never being in his arms again..