I was always very intrigued with the idea of BDSM, since I knew about sex at however many years old I was, something about it being Risqué that has caught my attention. The idea of being dominant and being dominated by whips and being chained up and tied is just so absolutely full filling. Always kept it to myself I'm 19 years old and have never told anyone about my fantasies of BDSM, and tonight my boyfriend asked me if I was into the idea of BDSM and if he thinks we could give it a try. YOU ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I WAS AND AM, like a kid in a candy store. I jumped for absolute joy and was so relieved that maybe we both had the same fantasy all along but never mentioned it to eachother. I'm excited to start this new "journey" you can say with my SO. I have ONE QUESTION, where do I start? How do I start? Start with the small stuff first and then work our way up? What do you recommend for beginner couples? LET ME HEAR YOUR EXPERIENCES AND STORIES PLEASE.