Did I make the right choice? TLDR at bottom


I work as a graphic designer which I love and put a lot of time, effort and debt into getting into, but I work for Satan.

My boss is so nasty to everyone that the staff turnover is crazy high and a lot of people just walk out without notice. I’ve dealt with her nasty over the top reactions to everything for over a year but by May this year it started to really take a toll on my mental health.

I promised my partner if this job ever made my depression/ anxiety bad I would quit. I didn’t stick to that and it got so bad that I had to quit last week. I can’t take the dread and panic and crying all weekend over what they are gonna act like or do next! It’s torture. I can’t get over the feeling of guilt though. I’m leaving a job in my field! It’s feels so wrong and I can’t beat the feeling that I’m doing the right thing? Anyone else had this predicament?

TLDR: I quit a job I love because my boss made my depression and anxiety so bad it was ruining my life. But is leaving a job in my field also ruining my life?