Rant šŸ˜©

Thereā€™s never any winning I canā€™t rant to anybody, so Iā€™m just going to rant to yā€™all. I hate living where Iā€™m at rn. Itā€™s awful. I cant leave because Iā€™m underage. This house is abusive. Verbally abusive I should say. I stopped talking to ā€œfriendsā€ because people like to twist my words around. Every time i try to have a civil conversation with my family it just goes so wrong. They all say Iā€™m ā€œ white- washedā€ which pisses me off. Sure my vocabulary is really good, and I have excellent posture, and I like doing things a certain way. Thatā€™s just what makes me well me. I think Iā€™m having a good conversation with them and everything I say offends them. I was just talking about how Iā€™m not scared of anything that you shouldnā€™t live your life being scared 24/7. Boy do i tell you that went wrong very fast. This is the 8th day in a row weā€™re they all called me white or white wash. They call me more than white wash but it isnā€™t very appropriate for this app. Do I need to change certain things about me should I act more ā€œblackā€. How do I act more black when Iā€™ve been black all my life?