So, my boyfriend of almost a year sat me down one night with tears in his eyes. He asked me if I would still love him if we didn’t have sex. I was completely confused, heartbroken, and a little angry at the question to be honest. I love this boy more than anything. He is my one true love. I was in a relationship before him for 3 years but once I got out of that I finally know what it means to be happy, and to have someone love me. Of course I would still love him. Is he crazy??

So he is very religious, and so am I don’t get me wrong. I knew he was one who wanted to wait until marriage to have sex, but when we first started dating we just kind of jumped into it. Now keep in mind that when we have sex, for me it isn’t just sex. Every time for over a year it has been some of the most intimate moments of my life. Having sex helps me connect with him on a completely different level, and I know waiting until marriage is ideal, but in my opinion I think you should wait until you’re with your person. The one you know deep down you were meant to be with. He told me if it was that important to me we could continue having sex, but I shouldn’t need sex to feel more connected with him, and he shouldn’t have to compromise his morals for me.

Has anyone else faced something like this? I just need a little help or advice on how to go foreword with this