Brown discharge at 5wk4days...


So, I am 5 weeks 4 days today (this is my first pregnancy, no known miscarriages), and yesterday morning had some brown discharge, just a little, and I have not had any cramping for the past 3 days. Was instantly scared, but then googled and looked on here and felt much better after doing some research. No big deal, right? Looks like it's pretty common and nothing to get too excited about. So I relaxed. I decided I should at least call my OB office and let them know, but they didn't answer so I left a message and figured all was well. When I heard back from them they wanted me to go for STAT blood work and an ultrasound and MD appt ASAP. Now I was worried!

Fast forward to today, Dr said my HCG was 5477, and my blood type is Rh-. Had the ultrasound, just shows the yolk sac, but they said no bleeding showing and they said numbers are good, go back in 10days for a repeat ultrasound and 🤞🏼 to see the heart beat at that time! Have not had any more discharge, slight tightness in my pelvic area, but I'm so glad I called! I almost blew it off, and they ended up giving me a dose of rhogam today just in case!

Here's the little bean from today... and

I guess moral of the story is we're all different and calling right away when anything seems out of the ordinary is always the best thing to do. So glad I did, especially because I needed the shot and on the plus side now we get to see our baby twice before my originally scheduled ultrasound on the 29th! 😊