I hate feeling so soft

Sometimes my fiancé is so distance and it bugs me like he get off frm wrk and he come hme and sumtimes he is ina good mood and we laughing and joking wit the kids then other times like today he js came hme and fell asleep he took a bath when he woke up and yes we had sex then he ws js quiet and to himself and I keep axin what’s wrong he say he js tired frm wrk and I do knw everyone need that alone time and wanna rest bt I gt so emotional cus if sunthin is bothering him I wanna help in any way I cud and ik he is nt cheating everything is a open book I js hate feeling so soft cus I end up gtn mad and distancing myself and when he is gonna wanna tlk lata or tom I won’t want to cus I feel shut out when he do this anyone go thru this or can give some advice