3rd trim3ster mommas

Ok ladies, I need help. I know pregnancy comes with all sorts of aches and pains and such but how do you deal?!?!? Before I got pregnant I had server insomnia that I was medicated for, that in itself has been hard through pregnancy trying to sleep period. But third trimester has been the worst!!!! Most nights I'm getting 2 hours cause I toss and turn! I am allowed to take unisom but after what I was on it doesn't work. My hips have also started aching and my doc thinks I may have a pinched nerve due to them adjusting for child birth, so i struggle sleeping on my side. But I'm at the point where laying on my back makes m3 feel like I'm dying ....im all sorts of messed. What are your remedies? How do you deal with the pain and sleep deprivation?!?!?