
Jasmine • FTM to Gianni. Born 8/19/15.
Starters, not me ! My SO has been out of the military for 3 years (give or take) and he has been through a lot in those three years. Mind you he wasn't over seas being shot at but that doesn't justify him not having a reason to be mentally distraught . His life has been hell. Anyways, I'm in the military and he doesn't work (goes to school/gets check) and in the past 3 months I've had to try and talk him out of suicide multiple times. He is severely depressed. I am a supervisor at my job, taking on another extra duty in a few weeks, in the middle of buying a house and I am severely stressed out. He doesn't have any insurance (we are not married) so it's hard to find a professional for him to talk to. I have had him start taking st. Johns wort for his mood and valerian root to help him sleep but I am at my wits end.  I spent most of last night about to give up during one of our arguments/don't kill yourself speeches. I guess I'm just looking for a strangers advice, I  don't have any friends to talk to except him. I'm 25wk2d.