My little miracle king arrived ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™i


Was called by L&D; at 8pm Nov.2 and told to make my way in for induction. Due to GD and a baby that was 95 percentile... they were inducing me at 38weeks. Well we drove through a blizzard and get to the hospital at 10:15 after dropping out 11 year old at his grandparents.

They decide to put in a balloon to help along my cervix, as they are in the process of that the resident ruptures my membranes... so much for waiting haha. This is now 1:20 Nov.3 and my contractions start 5 minutes later. I spent the next 14 hours having crazy contractions and in my IV drip with Oxytocin... they check me twice in this time and I had merely progressed to 4cm. I as exhausted from my all nighter....

I'm maxed out my meds and at 11am they called in anesthesia for my epidural. Easy peezy! The relief was heaven. Finally they check me again now 615 and I am 4.5 cm dilated.... this is never ending. They up my meds after giving me an internal monitor this put my contractions over the edge. Finally I feel crazy pain and pressure so weird it's now 9:05pm. The anesthesiologist gives me a booster and I'm numb again. The doc comes in checks me I am now crowning... time to push!!! I pushed 5 times in 5 minutes and there he was my perfect boy!

Kolby Lee Parent was born Nov.3 at 910pm weighting 7pds and 8oz 20.5 inches long and already breastfeeding like a champ.

Diagnosed with GD at 13 weeks and estimated to be in the 95 percentile my baby was completely average and amazing! The docs made me contemplate a caesarean many times and I refused thank the lord and there was no tearing. I'm over the moon in love.... we tried for 10+ years for this miracle... excited to introduce him to his big 11 year old bro tomorrow. Life is good!!