Feeling down 😢

Renea • Trying for my first after 6 years with 3 losses throughout 🌈 🌈🌈

I just need to vent.

I finally ovulated for the first time since december the other night. I tried to get my husband to have sex with me and of course he didn't want to. I want to get pregnant so bad, but how can I if my husband doesn't want to have sex more then maybe once a week? I told him I was ovulating and everything, but he just doesn't care. He thinks I am over reacting about this whole wanting to have a child thing. He thinks that it'll happen when it happens. He doesn't realize that it can take a long time to get pregnant, especially in my place where I don't ovulate that often. I am just so hurt and upset by the whole thing. I can't tell him that because he'll think I'm being too emotional about the whole situation. He doesn't understand how hard this is to deal with as a women.